Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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i have a big imagination. which in my mind is a lot of open space to create a lot of “what if” senerios. overthinking truly makes me sick to my stomach. it fills me with rage, saddness, distrought, jealousy and it truly gets to the point where i start to believe what my mind is making up. the sad part is that sometimes the thoughts i think of even for a split second the people they are about make them true. which makes it easier for me to listen to my overthink nonsense. and i hate it so much because it makes me need a lot of reasurence and im scared to ask for it because i dont want to seem annoying or obsessive its truly because what i am thinking hurts me on the inside and i wont be able to stop thinking about it for days or weeks even. and all these stories my mind has made up that people have made true make it harder for me to just listen to someone and them tell me its not true its gotten to the point where i have to see proof with my own eyes because i cant trust what im hearing. its so bad even dreams that i have at night will make me overthink like crazy. i just want to fix it and make these thoughts go away.

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