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I have a best friend and she’s really sweet and we share a great bond. Her elder sister is like her too and is really good to me. I consider both of them as my family and really thankful for them but their mom…oh god I don’t want to be disrespectful but she really gets on my nerves. She always makes disrespectful comments towards me and my family. I used to use a bag which was kinda old and she was like “your parents are spending all their money on your brother but not on you” like why do you care??
My bestie makes me stay at her house several times and i don’t say no because we get really less time to spend with each other as we both are in different sections and we don’t go to same tuitions as well. And ofcourse her puppy eyes makes me stay but her mother is always like “what’s your mom doing?? Do they forget sometimes that you exist? Don’t they get tensed when you stay at our house for so long?”
I still don’t mind her comments because i don’t want to ruin my friendship with my best friend but her mom always acts like that… She sometimes gives me food because she knows I don’t get to eat at my house that often because of school and tutions but makes terrible comments. Today she asked me if i had something before coming for tuition (the tuition is held at her house). I woke up at 7:15am and at 8 o’ clock i had the class and after that i had school. I said “No” . Let me tell you that my mom asked me if i wanted to eat because she knows that i don’t like to eat after waking up. I vomit sometimes…
And her mom said “your mom let you go without making you eat?? I never let my daughters get out of the house with hungry stomach no matter what”. I was really angry on hearing that because this wasn’t the first time she was blaming my mother and making herself look the best mother in the world. I said “my mom had work what else could she have done” (in a respectful tone). Then she went away and got something for me to eat and started lecturing “i also have go to work and when I come home i am so tired but still i make food for my daughters in the early morning. I wonder how your mom let’s you go out without eating” JUST BECAUSE I GO TO THEIR HOUSE OFTEN AND EAT DOESN’T MEAN SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO DISRESPECT MY FAMILY. I don’t say anything to her because of my bestie but she always do things that actually makes my blood boil. I really didn’t like whatever she said to me today but still i had to pretend like nothing happened. I really don’t know what to do…

6 replies

The right person to ask the lady to stop being disrespectful would be your bestie…


I don’t think she will understand…


If she’s your friend she should be open to conversation about it…
Let her know how you feel…


How should I start the conversation? It’s going to get awkward and what if something goes wrong?


You have to manoeuvre through it and ask your friend why her mum asked certain questions… the possibilities oh her mum asking her about you are huge when you are around… she will give you some insight…
Then ask her cautiously why her mum asked you a certain question… and see what she says… and progress cautiously


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