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3am ThoughtsThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Uchiha @kha

I hate when people tell me I’m not trying especially, when I just kinda revealed a piece of my heart to them. You only have 2 types of people, ones who truly understand and others who hear but their perspective of you remains the same. Like, I KNOW WHAT IM DOING. I know im not fighting that hard because im feeling like nothing but at the same time I’m fighting the urge to cause self harm, pain on others, be reckless, completely lose myself. I wish people would stop being so quick to try to tell me about myself, I live with me everyday, I know what I aint done and wasnt supposed to do. Just stop talking, I already have enough voices in my head. Everything’s annoying, the world’s evil, I just don’t see a crystal clear reason to continue the “small amount” of fighting I’m doing.
I know everyone’s so caught up with themselves and self healing but please look at others around you. Be kind, help, just listen and be there. Don’t judge, there’s only ONE judge.

5 replies

I can do that , can we talk


Take care! I can understand…thanks for sharing


It’s unbelievable how you put all my feelings in these words.i am crying.

Uchiha @kha

Are you okay? Do you need to talk, I know this is sooo frustrating?

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