Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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trex @tannnu

I hate these anxiety attackss where i can’t even get hold on myself…when i feel everything is gonna end… suic!dal thoughts…thn again tht numbness…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hhhdddf
14 replies

indu @ik24

Hi freind don’t feel alone if you want you can talk with me

trex @tannnu

Thank you… means alot<3

Ameliah Pearl @honey_bee

Hey there, nobody can imagine what you feel, but don’t lose hope. If you want to talk I’m here🤗

trex @tannnu

It’s just I’m tired tbh…haha and thanks …it means alot

Ameliah Pearl @honey_bee

It is something to be tired of hun, if you have someone you feel that close share these thoughts(either its someone from your family or friends or someone annonymously from here) go for it, maybe it will help. I get these pretty nasty thoughts to and I don’t have anyone to talk, so here I am looking for an online friend…u do that too u know…

Dilli Computer @dksharma


trex @tannnu


Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @hhhdddf

#ISHQFAREEB @hhhdddf

Upside down , changes , change of time and cause of situation we are depressed, even i feel like doing suicide, but thats not way to end peoblems , one of my friend told me hustle or struggle theres no half way out.


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