Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I hate showing my feelings and being vulnerable in front of other people. I know that just like all of them I’m also human and I’m supposed to have emotions but I hate that. People around me always wonder why I’m like this; so cold and uninterested. They don’t think it’s a good thing either and constantly say i have no emotions or empathy, they ask me if there’s even anything in this life that excites me. I’m afraid of showing interest for things, I’m afraid of showing love, I’m afraid of showing excitement cuz if things don’t work out then everyone will know i’ve been hurt and i’d rather them not know that im capable of being in pain, i’d rather they think i can’t be hurt by anything because there’s nothing i care for. But i care a lot, I do have dreams and things that make my eyes light up, i love a lot more than anyone could ever imagine, and i get hurt extremely easily, I’m actually very sensitive. I know i always look lifeless and as if there was nothing behind my eyes, as if my mind was constantly blank but I’ve actually got a lot going on in my head all of the time, i just tend to hide my smile as much as i hide my tears, making me seem emotionless but that’s everything i am not. I just can’t understand why im like this, i know i have no reason to be this way but why?

13 replies

First of all, buddy describe your issue in short… like a big paragraph no one gonna read it honestly 👀


I’m sorry but i think your answer was kind of rude, as far as I’m aware there’s no limits on how much you can write in this app, it’s a free space to vent about your feelings. Imagine a friend starts telling you about your struggles and you tell them “you’re talking too much can you sum it up cuz I’m getting tired of listening” wouldn’t that be very disrespectful to their emotions? I’m not even looking for advice all I wanted was to vent if u got tired reading you could’ve just left, there’s no need to make such an inconsiderate comment, that was not very sensitive of you tbh. I will write as much as I want to and I don’t care who wants to read it or not :)


*their struggles


My comment doesn’t mean any form of hate or something it’s just a honest reply… i will say this to my friend too…

Choice is yours women but you know one thing if you write small it basically showing that you are actually in a problem…

Writing all this shows you just mixed your mind and overthinke so much 🤝🏻

I hope you got what i mean 👀


and what if i’m overthinking a lot? that’s also a problem i should be able to express freely. When people open up to you about their struggles you’re supposed to listen and not interrupt, it’s a sign of respect. You shouldn’t tell something like this to a friend bc it makes you seem uninterested in their problems and extremely inconsiderate of their emotions. Sometimes my head is full of thoughts since i don’t talk about my feelings often so i naturally have a lot to say once i do express those feelings, i can use as many words as i want to and it’s actually a healthy thing to do for me, it’s liberating. I thought you’d start of your comment by saying “sorry if i was being rude i didn’t mean it like that….” but you haven’t apologized yet which is the first thing you should do after noticing your words might have caused harm to someone or your thoughts might have been misscomunicated, even if it was a misunderstanding i would’ve appreciated a sincere apology. I understand what you mean and that you don’t mean harm, Im just letting you know so u won’t hurt other people with your careless words. Be careful with how you say things cuz it might sound very insensitive.


First of all, dude it’s okay to be like that accept that you are like that…

Once you are comfortable with that you can change it… if you like to change…

You are lacking social skills thats the issue…

Afraid of what like seriously you are a human and gonna die soon keep it in the mind… live your to the full…


I guess that makes sense, i should accept the fact that it’s okay to show my feelings and be a little bit more human and ur right, i do lack some social skills…😅

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Hey! I too suffer this still don’t know how to overcome it.

Here are somethings, I have realized , only when you show you like others, express your emotions people will reciprocate. If you don’t they will never know the emotions you have for them.

Also be vulnerable to your close friends, only then will they see you as an equal and start sharing their problems and the bond between you grows. Of course some might backfire, but life is a gamble and take it along the stride.

Don’t feel bad about the past, and also don’t drastically change your character now. Take small efforts slowly express your emotions. You will see changes in the way people behave with you


Thank you for your comment, im glad to see someone who understand my situation. <3 Everything you said makes a lot of sense, i’ll try opening up little by little to people. I think i’m just too scared of getting hurt and too embarrassed to show that i am in pain cuz i’m a very prideful person. I know i have to work on that, i know people would understand cuz they’re also human and have felt the same emotions as me at some point, we all know pain. It will take me a long time tho, im trying but it’s just very difficult for me…


👍👍 understandable. Do remember while starting to open up don’t start everything at one go. Start slowly


i can’t just change all of the sudden even if i wanted to so i’ll definitely take it slow, thank you:)


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