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I HATE SCHOOL. like i literally hate it. i see all these people with a ton of friends, really popular and stuff who say “omg i hate school sooo much i hate lessons and stuff all my teachers are so bad” AND YEAH, the teachers can be mean, lessons can be hard and stuff but look at you, with a whole group of friends, and everyone knows who you are? AND USUALLY, for the really loud kids, the teachers are rude to them because THEYRE THE ONES BEING DISRESPECTFUL TO THE TEACHER!!!

im 13 years old at the moment, im currently attending secondary school. since year 7 its just been hell. i have no friends, when i eat in the cafeteria i always think im getting stared at so i just eat in the bathroom( i know it seems a little bit gross, but please please dont be mean about this), when i tried to make friends on the first few days of year 7, I GOT LAUGHED AT??? same with all the other times i tried to make friends at the start of year 8.

it constantly feels like people in my class are making fun of me for being so silent at school. i always get asked, “why are you so quiet?”, or “why do you never talk?”, and when i do speak, a lot of the time people say, “wow, she actually talks!”

recently, a bunch of popular kids have been coming up to me and talking to me AS A JOKE. I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT.

like they came up to me with their HUGE group of friends while i was reading a book and just start silently laughing and covering their mouths. i really dont know how to explain the conversation but one of them started to pat my head, and one other person gave me a …fist bump? honestly dont know why they did that.

and since im really quiet, my parents are NEVER happy about it. i constantly lie to them saying “yeah i have a small group of friends” and once they asked me to invite my friends over for my birthday. i said that i dont want anyone over for my birthday. then, when parents evening came (a day where teachers talk to my parents about my grades, behaviour in classes, and stuff) teachers always say im too quiet.

im really really sick of it. and for some reason when i get home from school i can never enjoy doing what i used to do. i always just feel lonely.

1 reply

Mr Fugly @fugly

I was always quite in school myself. But my reasons was different. I was told if it wasnt church related, i wasnt going. And having friends it would mean going to thier house or birthday parties, and such. Knowing i was not going to be allowed to do anything cause it was not church related. I avoided my friends. Even to this day, i still avoid people in general.
What i do sometimes is look around the group (during lunch or any other time around others) and try to find someone else who is by themselfs too. Maybe watch alittle bit to see what they are doing. Then get within talking distance. See if she/he says anything, or comment something about what she/he is doing. Just a idea, its what i do at times


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