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I hate myself. what’s wrong with me that I can’t not worry about what I eat every five seconds or wonder what i look like. I don’t even know what I look like am I fat thin ugly pretty. It’s not like there’s much in between in this generation. No one ever really talks about the really ugly bits of our generation. They say be body positive and black live matters. These too are ugly but they don’t talk about the young lives, how it really feels to never want to be seen inside your skin and wish you could rid yourself of this earth die because you’ve been given so much negativity in your life that you can’t go on. Yeah people are ‘sensetive’ but the amount of suicides, people are turning into murderers. Why couldn’t they just keep they’re mouth shut and i wouldn’t go through all this pain of slitting my own skin and starving my own body. No one would. I hate our world. It’s the reason I’m like this and it’s the reason anyone’s like this. (Sorry if that was dramatic btw I needed to let it out 😭)

5 replies

I can feel you. The world sucks but our own view point matters the most. You need to see yourself through your own eyes and not by the judgement of others. Let them say whatever they want once you are happy with yourself and with the way you look then their words won’t hurt you anymore.

user12091602 @user12091602

thank you am. I’m not sure how to start though. It’s not that anyone’s actually said anything but overthinking consumes me and everything about me turns into an insecurity whenever anyone looks at me at school.


Start with looking at yourself everyday for at least 5 min and tell 5 things that you love about yourself. You have to remember that the body is yours, the face is yours and no matter how ugly or beautiful you are, you have to live with it. So its better to start accepting yourself just the way you are.

user12091602 @user12091602

I’ll try thank you. On the bright side I have a clothes package arriving soon ahaha.


Superb!!! Do try those clothes and admire yourself


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