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I hate myself, I always have, why I do not know.i have always been alone in my life, never had a relationship with anyone, haven’t achieved anything. Every day I see the sheer pointlessness of this existence, I have given up all expectations in life. I just do things for the sake of doing it. I was alone I am alone and I will always be alone I have accepted it but that does not make it any easier. I am just going to float through this life like an insignificant speck of dust till the day I die.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @feistyphoenix
4 replies

Janmesh @janmesh


Hey relationship is not only one thing in the life! Keep working hard my friend and you’ll achieve anything you dream of:)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @feistyphoenix

Hey there! I can understand how you are feeling. I felt the same about me until the things came on track. I still sometimes feel that i am not worthy enough. Just try to live the human life because it has many things to offer like you can smell mesmerizing fragrance of flowers, taste delicious food, feel turmoil of emotions, etc. you will certainly find the purpose of your life. Just get into your hobbies.😌


You don’t need anyone to make u happy. It’s okay to be alone. Yes you will feel lonely sometimes. But the fact that you’ve made it so far by yourself, shows how strong you are! Love yourself. You are worth it

Sanket @sanket


Can relate to you. I got no social life, zero bonding with family, poor income, zero IQ. It gets tough to live as each day passes by, have lost all the hope and just willing to…


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