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β€ΊSelf Esteemβ€ΊThought


I hate myself from days to days

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anamonous
Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhaaranee
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anamonous

But u have to love yourself seconds to seconds.
Every body have this same feeling in this time period.but different perspective.
You just have to Change your perspective change your day🎈🎈🎈🎈


I see… but it’s quite hard to accept the person i am…


We’ve all felt this way @rika, you just have to focus on not letting that thought getting stronger and overpowering the positive feelings you have about yourself. Do you wanna talk about why you hate yourself? Perhaps therein might lie a way to cope with all that hate.


my body, appearance, educations, confidence… all of this makes me hate myself from time to time

Profile picture for Now&Me member @avtar

Avtar @avtar


Well Christ says-
Yeah are the living temple of God.

now it depends on you that how to understand it by read a word and understand it or read the entire book and still thinking…!!!


Hi, I also hate myself. I’m here to hope that we both find something we’d get to like or even love about ourselves.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhaaranee

Dhaaranee.k @dhaaranee


Hi there , firstly understand that you have to love yourself and start approving your self for making wonders in the world . Whoever you are you have been created this way for the purpose so never ever hate yourself , based on comment or judgments ppl pass about you. Start loving yourself and focus on what you like u guys can make it up. Cheers to you guys start accepting yourself u will see the miracles.


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