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I hate my life since college started. It was two years ago. I feel like i have only lost people since it started. I feel so confused about myself. The next semester is gonna start and i feel so lonely.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @saurav04
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

I know how it feels like without friends…but sometimes we lose people for a good reason…and isn’t it better to lose those who are not good for us?
When you start losing people who are close to you ,it feels like you lose yourself too, it feels like you will never got a good friend in future too…its because we are connected so much with those who are in our life…that we start seeing ourselves with their presence…
and when they leave , it feels like nothing is there anymore…but trust me it just a phase and it will pass too… during this time its better you focus on yourself…and do the things you love… start opening to people around you…and who knows you will get someone who was searching for you…till then just focus on yourself and take good care of yourself ✨✨


Thanks for the kind words. I’ll try my best in the upcoming sem.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @saurav04

Saurav Kumar @saurav04

You will always loose people in your life despite of the circumstances.
Work on yourself,get hobbies do better in college and every one wants to be your friend.

Do it and tell me I wasn’t right!


I’ll try to work on myself. Be better this time.


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