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I hate living here. I often get told i am just an angsty teen or “no, he loves you!” But he doesnt. My father doesnt care about me. He keeps me fed and keeps a roof over my head but he doesnt care… why should he get brownie points for the literal legal requirements of being a parent, ill never understand. He is sexist and homopobic. He only talks to me whenever he needs something or whenever my grades are failing, he doesnt even bother pretedning to care about my interests, he ignores my mental health, he refuses to accept the way i dress (i prefer relatively masculine and gender neutral options) i feel as though i am talking to a brick wall when i mention these things. I am unwelcome and tired.

4 replies

heyy… just to let you know i get it… you don’t have to live for your family…i know family is one of the biggest part of our lives but they are just a" part of it"… you’ll be okay… life is not easy on anyone…we just need to make ourselves strong and face this …iyou’re maybe too tired to hear all this … but things will get better just focus on yourself… don’t let other effect your happiness


Thank you


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