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I hate life.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user
5 replies

The person who think you love, does not care when you cry. They say that they love you, but end up leaving you crying every single day. Is that even love?
And if it’s not, why am I not able to get out of it?
Why do I still hope the person will change?
Is it because i still am blinded by the perception i had of that person in the past or is it because I’m too tired to start and look for the right person and fear this might happen all over again?

Do men don’t care? Can anyone live with crying everyday and every night since 2 years?
And a man who says he loves you, how is he okay with me being in this situation?

hgggbbss @hldoncucshnsk



Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user

nobody @n0_user


Men really care but it depends on the person to whom we are with always be with someone who loves you not whom you love


What if he was the one who started loving you first and then when you start reciprocating, they turn blind on you. I wish switching feelings off and moving on was so easy!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user

nobody @n0_user


I replied you in connection request


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