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Long Distance RelationshipThought


I hate him for what he did. He made me so happy and so excited for the future and then he crushed me. I’m so angry at him and I want to get rid of him from my life but I can’t. He was my best friend. I miss him

I want him to be sad and I want the other girl to not take him back but also I want him to be happy. I really do care about him and I know he liked her. It just hurts thinking about him with someone not me. I want him to hurt

I can’t see myself with someone else. He says he still wants me in his life and that he loves me. He says even when he’s married he will always love me. I can’t be friends with him. But I’m scared to lose him. The look he gave me when I told him I don’t want him in my life anymore crushed me but it’s too much for me to handle. But at the same time I miss talking to him.

I don’t know what I want or need to hear. Nothing people say helps and only hurts me more.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07
2 replies

crystal prdhn @christal

You slowly try to avoid him and try to find your happiness if he truly love you definitely come to you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratham_07_07

PRATHAM @pratham_07_07

You guys were bestfriends ? And you got crush on him and he know that but still he was pretending like he know nothing
Cuz he had crush on someone else
And you both know the things right?


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