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3am ThoughtsThought


i hate hiding my sexuality from my family.

should i tell them and just deal with the consequences or should i wait 4 more years till i go off to college to tell them then.if i wait then they can’t rlly control me and what i say or do since i won’t be living with them
idk what to do

9 replies

Do you like to share about your preference with me , how old are you , are you parents are open minded, why you want to share with them


well i’m 13,i turn 14 in a couple months and no they arnt rlly,i was kind of forced to come out once a while ago but they reacted rlly badly so i told them it was a phase and i thhought they had forgotten abt it but now my moms asking me abt stuff with the community again.


Look you are quite young people don’t expect this things at that age
They think we are idiot
2nd it is a new thing people take time to accept it
We don’t need to tell everyone and have their approval
Do what you like but hide it


One suggestion. That try to find out what they think in general about LGBTQ community. If you think they will have no problem then tell them before you go for college. Otherwise just wait for 4 years and try to change their thinking or mindset


Their is difference in thinking about others and their own


Ideally you should wait if you even have a shadow of a doubt that your parents might disapprove of your preference. It would be 4 yrs of idk … long fights, lots of hurt, convincing, small wins and losses at the same time. If you are okay with your secrecy, I suggest you protect yourself first.


yeah it’s just pretty uncomfortable when they make a homophobic comment and i’m just sitting there like 🧍‍♀️


even today i was talking to my mom and i mentioned how i really liked my hair cut and how i don’t want to go back to having long hair like how i used to,it went down like mid back before i cut it to my shoulders,and she got all defensive abt how “it looked good” and “she rlly liked it”


Look. I’m kinda in a same place as yours kiddo. It is kinda hard to not tell them when I’m that kinda person who’s very open about her choice infront of anyone. But ig we gotta wait. No matter how strong the urge is. I’m waiting because there might be a ruckus after i tell them and i want to be independent before i just throw this bomb at us. We are here with you. Just wait a little bit more. You are still young and you will learn and explore a lot by some time. Give this time to yourself too so that you know yourself better and can present yourself better


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