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Profile picture for Now&Me member @daytripper

Daytripper @daytripper

I had a long talk with my girlfriend this evening. She barely talked to me, mostly did her own work and stayed silent. And kept asking me to talk to her. What I understand that she only kept me in line so that she can cut the phone in the right time and go on to talk with her new crush. She is continuously flirting with him and denies it on my face. I love her to the moon and back. And she never loved me or cared for me. I was and am her pass time choice.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @daytripper
5 replies

Hey. If you think this is true and real, I am sorry to say but you will have to confront her and probably end things with her. If you keep this going, it is going to hurt you in the end.
I know that you love her to the moon and back but it’s not worth it if it’s making you feel like you’re the only one in the relationship putting in efforts. It should not be one-sided and it should not make you feel this way.
If you’re not happy, then what’s the point?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @daytripper

Daytripper @daytripper

The worse part is that she used to make me feel so complete and happy. And all this behavior from her now makes it intolerable. She keeps giving mixed signals and it gets so confusing. I hope I can take the right step.


I completely understand that. It does feel like it will get better and that it’s just a phase. Has this happened ever before?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @daytripper

Daytripper @daytripper

It happened before. the unbearable part is that she considers me as a burden, as a responsibility. I always thought if your partner does not have anyone, then you should not push him down. And she pushes me down. Long time no talk, no message. Her phone busy for mysterious reasons. I am trying to close my heart down for now and save myself from harming myself.


Yes please! You need to think about yourself and how you can safeguard yourself from getting hurt. It will be a really really tough decision but you need to do what’s right for you, even if it means leaving her. This situation sounds extremely toxic and you should really consider getting out of it.


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