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Profile picture for Now&Me member @brokenme

I had a heartbreak! I really want to overcome it and be normal.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @brokenme
9 replies

Sorry to hear that , don’t try to overcome. You will overcome it just give some time. You have give yourself sometime and feel through the grief. Trust in yourself and be in that process. You will surely overcome because it’s just a phase
Wanna share more about it ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @brokenme

Thanks much !!❤


Share about it. It will help you feel a lil better.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @brokenme

The other person didnt want to make any further move …rather than taking a risk…the other person was happy to loose me…


You won. You were saved from a long term relationship with a person who was happy to lose you.
His loss.
Just do your thing. And stay strong. You’ll be ok.


It’s not like that u can over come. This in 2-3 days it will take time and it need time and if you wanna really move on I have ideas which can really help u to move on and if u wanna known tell me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @brokenme

Okie…i get it…yup gimme some tips


Try to make yourself busy get engaged in work do workout play


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