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Anger IssuesThought

srit @s6t

I had a friend who i had a crush on we talk she doesn’t have the same feeling for me. When she moved to another place she almost never talk to me unlike before bit she talks to all my friends who were near me I cam see this everyday and does make me sad. She talks to everyone well but me we used to talk everyday but noe its like never.

8 replies

srit @s6t

I get angry everytime I remember her these days

zaid @zeedd

Distance changes everything ,but u can try just go for one last tym try talking to her and better if u tell her everything u feel with ur heart on tongue

srit @s6t

I did bit she didnt care

zaid @zeedd

Then leave her thoughts behind , there is a lot to explore

srit @s6t

I am trying to do that but she is a close friend of mine and she still talks to my other friends and it hurts


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