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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ummm

ummm @ummm

U shouldn’t have listened to ur so called bestfriend change ur company. Also it’s okay to fail exams it’s not everything in life u can try again and can even do better than anybody else. Let them joke whatever they wanna joke around Ik it hurts u at this point but remember they’re are pathetic to make fun of someone nobody gets anywhere by talking down upon someone. Hope u’ll be okay

Theja Prajesh @_xoxo_

Your right🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ummm

ummm @ummm

💓feel whatever u r feeling rn but don’t get those words they say,into ur head. Believe in ur self.

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Hey, I empathize with you. Hope you get the courage to move forward. But I wanna ask is it worth doing CMA after graduation. I planning to do it, but I am not getting the courage. And I’m even confused whether I’ve to do a US CMA or an Indian CMA. US CMA seems to get completed within lesser time, but is it worth it in India.


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