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I had a breakup 4 years ago. I don’t know why I am still struggling with it. I want to move on but I just can’t seem to be able to. Got any ideas?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
7 replies

Sometimes you gotta take risks and responsibilities. I would say try dating , the presence of new person can act as a catalyst to move on faster.

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I went on several dates with women who were really into me but for some reason I couldn’t move forward. Lately, I have just had bad luck with it and keep getting rejected, which just worsens the entire thing for me.


Moving on is difficult bro. If your idea to not date is because you are not into it, then honestly you are not putting enough efforts for a new relationship. Think of it this way, once you have breakup your heart does not want to attach to other person easily. So you gotta put extra efforts for every subsequent relationship.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Go for a solo trip for at least 10 days do a trek watch a nice sunset or you can even try adventure sports
Do something that excites your life


Professional help? Only if it bothers you so much:)

nitesh @niteshgarg_

Just let the healing process happen… It might take some more time


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