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I guess as an unattractive female, I have to get used to the idea of being single. No man will ever love me. They will say that I am the nicest girl they have met and be friends with me, but that’s it. They will flirt, fall in love and pay attention to the pretty ones. I will always be a back-up option. They say that I am cute and have a lot of intellect, but I never found love. Maybe love isn’t meant for me. Maybe I am condemned to live in this loneliness. I just want a look of love and a touch of love. I am tired of this lonely life. Is it really so hard to love me? I know I am not entitled to love, but when I see people around me falling in love and caring for each other, i feel a void. Need hugs.

11 replies

regina @reginafalange

First of all you do not need a man to live. You do not need get married either. Why do you care so much about their thoughts? You be yourself and accept it and do not let anyone tell you the otherwise. Everyone leaves but you will always be with yourself. Be nice to yourself. You definetely not need to get approval from bunch of man about your beauty. And let me tell you something not everything is about beauty. You will learn it when the times comes


I want to feel desired I guess. We all want to be loved. I was never loved as a child despite being an excellent student and when I grew up, I didn’t get any love either. I have become a desert now, thirsting for some love, for some kindness and for some compassion. I give out a lot of love, but I hardly get any of it when I need it. I don’t expect anything. But it gets exhausting

regina @reginafalange

You need to accept that life is not fair but the love is amazinf reason to stand still. The love is not exclusive to genders or human. You can spread your love to anything. One day ı am sure someone will knock your door and love you unconditionally. And even if it does not happen that is okey. You are not borned to be loved by somebody. You are here to enjoy the lifw :)



Covie @covie96

I considered myself kinda pretty and was least treated this way too! and felt the same exactly but still found a bf in college! I craved love everyday and to find a bf. Now 6 years into my relationship I would rather be single it is so hard learning how to communicate with someone everyday and not arguing and working a crappy job and that good love feeling only lasts a couple months so u feel no happiness and u hate ur life 😐 lol jk but having a relationship is work 24/7 nothing like how it seems in your head


Woah 6 years. That must be a lot of work. 🥺


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