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I grew up with a dad who never really was around and if he was we never talked for than 3 minutes. The only time that he did something for me was giving me his jacket to wear and I don’t know if I’m just sad, angry, or something else but this jacket is like the only thing that makes me feel safe even for a few minutes. I’m angry and upset that he never really was a good dad and I don’t know if I can even call him one but I just can’t let it go. Maybe because it smells like him or it makes me feel like he actually cared about me for 5 minutes. Anyways I wear this jacket every single day and I always hear people saying I look homeless and stuff because his jacket is huge on me and in general I always look tired and stuff so i get it but it still hurts to hear. I don’t know if its better for me to just not wear it anymore I just don’t know anymore.

1 reply

Hei… I really feel you… Don’t be stressed… U can wear it if its make you happy… No need to think about other’s.


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