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I got very close to one of my friend in last 20 days. We have late night calls every day. Talking over a phone we forget about time. But i fear if i catch feelings for him. I dont want to. I font want to be in any kind of relationship. But at the same time i want the other person to treat me as his own. Giving respect, taking care, getting possessive and all that stuff. And i dont want him to get distance ld from myself. Can anybody tell what should i do??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found
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What kind of talk?? Like telling him that maybe i would catch feelings for him??.. He talks like he love me i mean calling each other babe… Telling ily but he didn’t have any such feelings!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

It might sound I am intrdung but do you have sort of a difficult relationship with your family?


Umm naah… My parents are bit strict in matter of boys… Hanging out with them and all that stuff. Other all things r very good with my family

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lost_not_found

Nyx @lost_not_found

Avoid late night calls then. If you truly dont want to cwtch feelings. Think more in the day for better clarity


Umm hm.

Yakul Arora @dramaticalerr...

Just try to go with the flow, getting these feelings are normal, but just try not to think of him without his presence, like when you are guys are taking falling in love is okay but without him just fall in love with yourself by finding your own happiness in your own self… Because you have to accept the fact that nobody is permanent.


Umm this fact is true that nobody is permanent… Will try it…

Yakul Arora @dramaticalerr...

Even if you failed just give another and another try because I am also facing the same situation and i am in more extreme situation which I can’t even discribe here



Yakul Arora @dramaticalerr...

Yep so just feel special you are enjoying the moments and never let these moments to effect other moments of your life.




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