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I got this new job. I’m working for like 1 month now. And my manager is strict. We had to give our daily counts in group and as I was scared of manager I gave fake counts (increasing numbers) now they are pulling the data to check the number. I’m freaking out. He will get 1st wrong impression and if team mates come to know I’ll be more embarrassed. I know I did mistake but I’m feeling anxious. Help!!

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Nothing much u can do… if u hv time try to cope up with your work and make counts as u said…
Or if u get caught… just accept it…
instead of freaking out you can accept it and be apologetic about it… and try not to do same again…
No one is going to kill u for this , so why freak out and live in that anxiety?


I have anxiety… I’m scared of humiliation. That’s y in d 1st place I gave fake counts


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