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I got bangs and I feel like I am so ugly. That I can’t even look at myself in the mirror. I can’t even take a picture of me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj
3 replies

You are beautiful, Don’t think of yourself that way.


If you can just see me. I am as ugly as fuck. My cousins have pointed nose but why am I the only one who has this nose? I am tired of complaining I know I should thank Him for giving me this. But can you vlame me when people around me bullies me and calls me a frog just because of this damn nose? I don’t mind having one but it’s just that whenever I ask my parents about my face or anyone in my family theg always say “You know you study hard so you can get a good job and you can get your nose fix when you have a lots of money.” Or sometimes they say “You’re not pretty you’re not ugly. You can be pretty by using make ups.” Whenever there are compliments it is always like for my body. They say I am tall for my age. I am high school student actually. And I got nice body. And I feel like I got to flaunt my body but then I just got afraid of posting a sexy photo of mine and they like sayjng I am some sort of a slut.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @piyakaurbajaj

Piya @piyakaurbajaj

Hi,those are some really mean and hurtful comments that have come your way. I understand how angry you might be feeling at times. Honestly, my advice to you would be don’t care, let them say what they are saying. It should not affect the way you look at yourself. At the end of the day, trust me the most important perception is the one you hold of yourself.You are more than what they are saying about you. And focus on your dreams, make them happen.


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