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3am ThoughtsThought


i give alot of attention and care to my bestfriend but the fact she doesn’t acknowledges it and keeps talking about the bare minimum things others did to her 24/7… i want to end this friendship… she always talks about her self and dosent even finds some time to ask me about my day… i’m giving her a chance rn but if she messes it up then i will end our friendship… am i doing right?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

sounds very familiar, its a repeated cycle and things can get tiring. Seems like she cant let go of past issues. but your going to make your decision what’s best for you. At least she probably already know things are ending


thank you so much this gave me a boost in my messed up thoughts

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

you’re welcome just be honest with her not too harsh because you know


yupp u are right i get it <3

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

is it a friendship or relationship? because tbh sh’s probably going expect the ending of your friendship. Just so much a person can tolerate and if your not happy with her actions then call it a quits because like you said you been wanting to End it Right


it’s a friendship, i am happy with her we get loud depressed everything together… but it’s just i don’t want to keep this up anymore

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sweetbutterfly

Xoxo Akem @sweetbutterfly

oh okay, yeah just be open about it everything will flow


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