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I get scared when people are angry around me. I instantly assume it’s my fault and have these palpitations.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Oh…yes it happens sometimes


For me almost regularly. Do you know how to cope?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Remain calm and don’t give too much attention to your thoughts will help. Also, might need sometime as mind goes in overthinking mode because of fault finding…over a period of time you understand that you are overthinking…so take time and don’t overthink might work




I can relate to that. It’s like I’m gonna faint or like have a heart attack. And incase i get angry i then start shivering from the inside. Stomach starts churning for me when it’s i try to calm down.


Yeah for me it’s happening almost regularly at my home. I try to predict people’s mood and stay away.


Same. But I talk, i try to make the moods better and it always back fires. I wish I could avoid them often but I do the opposite mostly, but I’ve been trying to fix that and sometimes i can most times i still can’t. But you do good. That’s the only way till the time we can be independent and learn how to be alone at the least. Sending hugs and peace. 💖🫂




I can relate. Sending you a big hug.




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