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I gave her all I had, and in return, all I ever got was distrust, disrespect and lies.

She had a compulsive need to fight, and a toxic level of suspicion. I was as honest and loyal as it gets, but she always had her doubts. That felt like an insult because I’ve always been known to be loyal. Someone with integrity.

You don’t question someone’s core principles, something that they pride themselves on. I felt a constant push, hostility, defiance and disrespect from her. It never felt quite right.

She kept hiding things from me, kept lying to me about a lot of things: including her family, her hometown and even her past relationship. It was almost uncanny how she lied with such conviction that I never knew until she came clean one day.

It was hard to trust her, no matter how much I tried to. Today after a year, and two months since our breakup, I am here writing this.

No matter how bad she made me feel, I kept letting it go and going back to her every time. I thought she was the one. But after the last time she deceived me, I knew this can’t be allowed to continue.

I ended it, but sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing. Because now, I feel more alone than ever.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @the_happiness
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @the_happiness

khushi gupta @the_happines...


I understand this. I have been there. They say we accept the love we deserve. And we keep going back to the toxic relationship bcz of some positive memories.
Its not you. Its her. People judge people on the basis of their perspective. A thief will always think people are going to steal from them as well.
Make yourself strong. Work on loving yourself. Know you deserve to be treated better.
There is someone out there who is going to give you all you want. All at once. But to get that you need to start respecting yourself. Love yourself.


Thank you, that was surprisingly sweet.


You writting my story or what ?


You made the right decision. Just stay strong, have faith and it will all work out. It’ll be difficult initially, but trust me, you’re better off without her! You’ll realise it later. Time will show you that you made the right choice. For now, to try to keep yourself busy with work or a hobby so that you don’t think about her often. Cry as much as you want. Get it all out of your system. You can try journaling also. But once you’ve learnt your lesson, never go back. Make that promise to yourself. You deserve someone better! Believe it and you’ll find her. Have faith. It’ll be okay.


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