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Self EsteemThought

Nina @ninay

I gained weight this past years. Not to the point that I’m overweight, but I myself know that I have to lose a few pounds to be fit and healthy. However, I still don’t have enough energy and motivation to push through. So in the meantime, I’m learning to love my body regardless of what my weight is. It’s a hard, constant battle with myself and my brain. I’m sure most of you know this struggle.

So what I don’t appreciate is people pointing out I have to lose weight and exercise. It’s especially hard when it’s my mom telling me that. Like I get it, okay? I already know I gained weight. I look at the goddamm mirror! It’s not news to me. Why do you think I don’t know? What’s the use of pointing it out aside from crippling my confidence?

4 replies

Hey hey! No need to fret. If you do not want to do physical exercise, try subliminals. Basically watch a video about how subliminals work but try eggtopia and kapsul for weight loss. Listen to it everyday. More than 1 and belive that it will work. You don’t have to do anything but listen. 111✨Angel numbers and drink lots of water!


But you are perfect the way you are so believe in yourself and do it for yourself not for others!


I highly believe parents are just oblivious to these feelings most of the time. I’m brown skinned in a family of all white girls My mom would often try to stop me from drinking stuff dark in color as it “would effect my skin color” she didn’t stop until I expressed my feelings on the situation to her. Something I’d recommend you do too it can help a lot


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