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I found out a week ago that I have avoidant attachment style in relationships.

2 replies

Does that mean that you avoid the person you’re in a relationship with? Because I had someone a few months ago and I didn’t feel like answering texts, calls, etc. Is that what you mean?


Yes. But I’m not in a relationship right now. I was in one 4 years ago and I remember how I used to act. This isn’t only limited to not answering texts or calls. I didn’t express my true emotions, the emotions which are supposed to be present in relationships. It’s not that I didn’t want to but I simply couldn’t bring myself to express these things. I was (still am) an emotionally unresponsive person. This is valid for friends and family as well. I just don’t respond to calls or texts still not because talking to someone is mentally draining for me even if this is for 30 minutes and I like to stay alone for most part of the day. It’s like the only person with whom I can be emotionally vulnerable with is me. Hope this makes sense.


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