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Tokko Digo @tokko11

I find my family so toxic, I’m always unhappy at home, but they’ll never see themselves what they are like…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mnpsatan13
17 replies

I come from a Narcissistic family (they are toxic / co-dependent & enabling and Narcissistic people and it’s generational too) and i can hear the same tone here. Could be I’m wrong but you should read/see about it maybe you’ll find some answers.

Tokko Digo @tokko11

How am I supposed to cope with this…


Doctor Ramini might have all the answers for that. I’m myself healing and educating myself. Can’t afford therapy so watching her videos gives a lot of insight and validation to the reality I’ve lived but never been validated or even told i am not crazy for seeing what I do, so that helps. I hope it helps you too. And rest journal everything. It’ll help with venting, self reflection and also knowing what’s actually going on. Take care

Tokko Digo @tokko11

Thank you!


My family is very toxic as well, my parents have driving me crazy. It feels like living in hell with them. But the only way I manage to survive with them is by thinking that I’m gonna leave them one day and I’ll leave them behind, I’ll do everything to prove them wrong, I’ll prove them that I’m not as stupid as they say, I’m not a failure and I don’t need them. I know sometimes it’s hard to deal with them and sometimes you may think to do some really bad to yourself, but please don’t. Whatever you’re going through will end, you’ll see one day when you’ll be free and happy without them they will come at you and apologize, that day won’t be soon bit it will come.

Tokko Digo @tokko11

I’m sorry, that’s tough…
My problem though is my family are nice, and kind, yet are very toxic and frustrating, they don’t realize how hard they are to live with


Oh well, in that case, I think you should talk with them. My best friend did the same thing with her parents, and her parents were quite the same as yours, and she talked with them. It wasn’t a pleasant discussion tho, she started yelling at them she they can pay attention to what she’s saying and was crying in the same time. All I’m saying is that you should talk with them, and no matter what they’re saying you should not stop, and keep coming with arguments until they shut up and think about what you said. It might work

Tokko Digo @tokko11

I appreciate it but they won’t change, they’ll maybe listen to me and then agree to change things but within a matter of days things will be back the same


Then continue doing that, and if that doesn’t work at all then do whatever you want, break some rules and if they yell at you then tell them why you’re doing that. But idk maybe that will get you in trouble so please do it only if you think it will work, but if you decide to not do it then think about the day you’ll leave and become an independent person, you’ll be free in that moment

Tokko Digo @tokko11

It’s hard to explain my situation but thank you. I think I just need to get out of here tbh


Yeah, but hey time is flying fast so you won’t stay there for too long

Tokko Digo @tokko11

I think I’m stuck here at least another year which is kinda crap


Yeah I know, I’m stuck with then as well and idk for how long honestly =/

Tokko Digo @tokko11

I’m sorry


Neah, it’s okay, if I survived with them all those years I think I can live with then a few more years

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mnpsatan13

Prabhakar M N @mnpsatan13

Good that you have decided that you will be better off on your own. Self worth and self respect are very important

However if your plan is to make them realise that they are wrong, it will not work. Don’t waste your time and energy on that

Tokko Digo @tokko11

I don’t want to leave my family, but they are naturally driving me crazy, I feel I have little option tbh


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