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I fell in love with one of my classmates. I rarely have any chance to talk to her (due to my sudden mood swings), but when I actually have the chance, she’d treat me so nicely. One time, she  personally invited me to go out together and even paid for the food.
Recently, I just found out that she has a boyfriend. I feel bad having a crush on her now but it doesn’t tore my heart apart even though she is so nice. What should I do? Should I just move on or should I just wait?

2 replies

Aw, that’s so cute 😩Please don’t feel bad for having a crush on her. That’s not in your control. Only your actions are in your control. The practical thing would be to move on, the sooner, the better. But if you want to know more, let me know…I have a long story to tell :)


Hey! I’m sorry for the late reply, needed to finish my assignment despite the covid-19 outbreak.About that story, may I know more about it? If you have some time to spare :D


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