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I fell in love with my classmate and we are together for 3 years… but he grew up in a village and I grew up in a city… so many times our view of the world clashes… he thinks differently I think differently… also in these 3 years all we did was only romance… there was no deep conversations and deep connection… I lovee deep convos, soulful talks, intellectual talks… I have such convos with my friends but somehow it is lacking in my relationship… And we both are not very good at communicating so sometimes we keep our feelings to ourselves… but Im actively working on my communication skills and I open up now and then… he says he is working on himself too but I cannot see any changes in him… Though we have lots of fun and have lots to laugh about I dont think he is the person that I can go to to have deep talks about life and stuff… he is always saying stuff like Im his everything (he doesnt have a good relationship with his family and he moved out and he is living alone) he also does whatever he can to make me laugh… he says Im his whole world… but sometimes I feel like I want to have a life outside him and he needs to have a life outside me… I feel he is overly attached to me and that feels like a burden…so because of all these Im confused if he is the right person for me if I shouls continue the relationship or breakup with him? Please share your thoughts about my situation :)

4 replies

Shall we connect and discuss?


Hey Im open to discuss here… please share your thoughts


I was in a similar scenario, trust me it doesn’t get easy. I can relate to each and every word. At a point it was getting too much and I had to break up with him.


Romance 🙂 without deep talk should I know your age.


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