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I feel very lonely most of the time and I am with a separated (not divorced) guy. We moved in together pretty soon cuz of some personal issues of mine and now after a month, he thinks that it might become an issue for him and he feels that he is doing a crime. I find this strange cuz we discussed about it before and he was pretty okay with things then. He says that he wants to be with me & all that but if we don’t live together, it is very expensive for me to live on my own and I’ll move cities & I don’t want to be in a long-distance which I clearly told him. I just felt anger and betrayal when he said that we should live separately as he knows that I have financial issues as I didn’t get paid for almost a year and whatever saving I had was put into this house of ours.

What should I do? I get his point but I don’t even want to see his face rn and cuz I have anxiety & depression, this has taken a toll on my physical and mental health

2 replies

Janmesh @janmesh

Hey bonnie! You should just give him time to settle down or maybe ask him why he’s behaving like this!

Shashidhar @shashidhar117

Hey Bonnie, it’s a bold move to move-in with the separated guy but not a divorcee. it’s more of no strings attached relation to him, I suggest you start looking for some job and start earning to stand on your own feet. No partner is worth trying at the cost of physical and mental health.


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