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I feel very isolated. I’m a 28 year old female and I’m facing a lot of difficulty finding a companion. Have faced a lot of rejection and disappointment in this area. Even my other relationships (family etc) seem to have hit a rough patch.

14 replies

Don’t worry you’ll get through this


Thank you 🤗

Dobby @tranquility



Finding a right companion i very important so have patience and take as much time as you can. I know people who got married at 35 and had kids at 40 and trust me they are in better place in terms of relationships compared to people who got married at 24 n had kids soon after and some of them are divorced or in bad marriage. Focus on yourself and make yourself better everyday so you attract the right person for you :)


Such wise words, thank you 🤗 But i feel much parents want me to get married soon. And I do not like staying where I am not welcome 😔



Dobby @tranquility

Believe ❤️


Thank you ❤️


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