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Anger IssuesThought


I feel very bad now a days actually from many months but now i am getting agressive over small things. I get triggered by everything and whatever everyone says to me. I feel stressed , emotional, angry and bad at same time. Even if i take my stand and backfire with my answers then also it makes me feel bad becoz at the end i feel guilty for hurting my own people.
i don’t know what to do now in lyf and feeling so alone n lost and stuck

4 replies

tara⭐🌟 @twinkle_tara

I feel that you need to talk to someone, or take break from everything and calm youself


Agree with you.


Everything will be good my mate …it needs time…just relax urself and be low for days …for sure it wld get better


Thankyou guys…your words means a lot…makes me feel like i am not alone in this struggle


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