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I feel unloved, neglected by my partner and it is becoming really difficult day by day .whenever I try to explain anything to him he never understands my emotions or what I feel .I now feel he doesnt know me well enough because he keeps judging me and putting useless bases to make me look bad .I don’t know exactly what he wants but he makes me feel like crap .I put so much effort when he got mad every single time even if he said bad things to me and now when I felt bad I don’t feel his effort even for a single day. I feel very bad and I never thought this will happen .I love him a lot and I never wanted to leave him but if I continue I feel like I ll finish myself.i am unable to take a firm decision I keep crying all the time .I can’t bear one more failed relationship now that s why I am trying to make it work still .I wish he could make me feel loved for once .I am not on good terms with my dad and I have told him everything but still he was taking his side when I shouted on him .do I even matter to him or he ll keep thinking about everyone else except me .what happened triggered me badly yesterday but he couldn’t feel my pain for once .

1 reply

I know exactly how you’re feeling. I’ve been with my bf for 8 years and it just seems like he is losing love for me. He’s mean to me for no reason and even when I try to talk to him about how I am feeling, he tells me he doesn’t care and I shouldn’t waste my time basically. It hurts, but maybe it’s time for both of us to be single and find love within ourselves and focus on our own peace. 💜


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