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Body DysmorphiaThought


i feel to chubby and i hate my body shape i want to be skinny :/ and i have no energy at all to do anything about it

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thank you sm

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walk 30 min exercise be in a calorie deficit cut out junk food it’s okay to have kabhi kabhi and cut out tea with sugar instead try black tea or black coffee drink plenty of water and don’t take stress sab aram se karna kam ho jaega weight


or even body fat


hey um listen. im seeing a lot of replies suggesting that you control your intake. if youre a teenager please please please dont start restricting your food. it is so dangerous. if youre concerned about your weight, talk to a doctor before you do anything. if they tell you its okay, LISTEN. i know how it feels to hate your body. i know how much it sucks. but your body is not the problem as much as it might feel like it is. even if you do need to lose some weight, hating your body is just going to make you feel like garbage the whole time. work on your body image or at least on connecting your self worth to other things. your values, the things you do for others, your skills are so much more important. again, talk to a doctor before restricting your food in any way. and if they do tell you to make changes to your diet, make sure to see the doctor regularly throughout. but NEVER restrict your food without a doctor’s instruction as a teenager. it can damage your health and your brain so much even if youre never underweight


thank you for saying this and i get what yoyr saying but like i already have eating problems so if i just eat healthy stuff when i do eat instead of unhealthy stuff it can’t be that bad right? like when i do eat it’s net exactly healthy so i could just change it to healthy stuff then it’ll be fine… heh


yea healthy eating is fine and great as long as it makes you feel better physically, its not obsessive, and youre not restricting. make sure your definition of healthy isnt “low calorie” or “less food” and that you respect your body. healthy is what gives you energy and makes you feel ready to move and stuff


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