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Tatiana @tatieee1

I feel that no one understands me and I feel my family tries to control me when Im almost 21 years old I feel like I can’t talk to anyone cause they don’t understand or they can’t relate idk what to do…😔

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Tatiana @tatieee1

I can’t really understand what you saying I only speak English sorry

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Tatiana @tatieee1

Okay thanks!

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Tatiana @tatieee1


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Tatiana @tatieee1

United States

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Tatiana @tatieee1

Us ain’t as perfect as ppl put it out to be 🙄 but i don’t know maybe it’s there way of tryna protect me from dudes but I hardly go out anyways and when I’m dressed in shorts and my big t shirts I’m most likely going to bed

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Hhhh… I’m 23 and yet I’m controlled by my parents, what can I say🥲
Just waiting to get a job and get out of here

Tatiana @tatieee1

I have a job so I’m saving up rn to get my own place


That’s great🙌🏻 hold in a little while longer you’ll be out soon

Tatiana @tatieee1

I left before for like 2 years I ain’t gone cap it’s was the best time ever living by myself being able to do what I want to do


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