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Self LoveThought


I feel that I have so much love to give. But I have always looked for others to give this love and then waited for their love to return. It was my biggest mistake. I need to learn to love me. Shower all that love on me. Not think about the world but just do what I want to do. But i don’t know what I want. How do I begin loving myself? I don’t know where to begin? Been a while trying to this but I just don’t know what to do? Tried all the techniques found on internet but it didn’t make me feel loved. Am I doing it all wrong? I just don’t know

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

what do you do the whole day?


I work from home and do house chores… but mostly I lay in bed either exhausted or overthink

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

you do work, that is good. do house chores help you relax?


No you are not doing anything wrong dear. Just do the things that you love to do which makes you more alive and happy.


Dear, you are headed in write direction. The most important thing is you have to understand the love the compassion which you want to share with someone trust me you will always get hurt. The first thing you have to do is start loving yourself try things which make you fell alive for ex start your day by making your favourite drink or dish treat yourself like you are the precious , value and love yourself as you will do to others. And once you start loving yourself you will find out nobody matters its all you and then you become the best version of yourself and you will meet someone who will celebrate with you this love both loving each other and celebrating the bond so first start loving yourself just by doing simple things you always wanted to do it can be like learning guitar or anything and celebrate your self because you are precious. All the best mate for the most amazing journey you have choose that is to love yourself.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I felt better reading your response. I will work on self love like you suggested. Thanks again


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