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Body imageThought

If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Takumi Rui @takumiru

I feel terrible abt my body
I want to get smaller and smaller
I want to weigh like 48kgs
Get it down to 21 inches around the waist and get slim arms and less thick thighs
Rn I have healthy measurements
I weight 56kgs ( gained it thru muscle mass)
24 inches on non bloated days
But it isn’t enough
I hate my arms my legs
My stomach could be smaller
I could be taller and slimmer
Why why
It just bother me so much
Since I already went thru the major ED stage I’m not dieting till I’m 20+ cus I don’t want to hinder my growth
So once I hit 20 I’m going to aim for dropping 8kgs and totally slim down
Fat off but if I
Don’t kms cus of other stuff during the time then that’s what I want to
I have to do it
I have to
If I don’t I don’t think
I can take it

6 replies

Hey sweetie, I just realized how ironic our situations are. My name is Anaya and I’m 18. I weigh 49 kgs and my height is 164cm.
I CONSTANTLY get skinny shamed everytime I meet someone new or visit guests or something. On top of that, I also get to hear things like “do you have health issues? Why are you so thin” to “have you seen yourself? Why dont you eat anything”. And ironically, because of my body image issues, I installed a calorie tracker app where i put my ideal weight as 54.
I know you’re perfect the way you are. I hope you get my point. Sending lotssss of loveeeeeee ❤

Takumi Rui @takumiru

Thanks. yeah :)

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