Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought


Dude what happened 😳?


Hey wht happened feel like talking abt it??

afrida @credulousquail

I feel unwanted… Lyk a trash…


Wht happened did someone hurt you or someone left without a reason?

afrida @credulousquail

Unwanted by each n everyone… All think m people pleaser… Nd m selfish when i ask a lil bit care n attention

afrida @credulousquail

This would end once n for all… Taking off my life


I understand the frustration u r feeling …its jst tht everyone is dealing with ur own shit n sometimes the simplest of thing of wht we wnt comes out as too demanding…dnt be too hard ou urself my friend

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sabazius

Sabazius @sabazius

You feeling unwanted because of a particular person cause he/she doesn’t deserve you. But there are people out there who’d kill for you.


Hard to find


Maybe its for some reflection self care like are you giving to much to people who doesn’t even need ur friendship ur care ur time ur wisdom this dark time will bring out the real ones around…stay super strong my dear friend

Profile picture for Now&Me member @cookie_tea

Thea @cookie_tea

Hi, don’s listen to the people writing some stupid things in your comments. I’m here to listen if you feel like it <3


Thnxx… It will help lil bit… Before i take off my lyf

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sabazius

Sabazius @sabazius

Just talk. Whatever it is! When you die,you don’t die alone. You take a few lives of your close ones with you;


Exactly and talking helps a lot


I see no one close🥺


What about the ones that are already close to you like family or friends


Family think of me as an abomination bcz i am not upto their expectations and frnds are of count zero


No one can really live up to family’s expectations but that doesn’t mean they don’t care for you or love you and you can make friends here and people will listen to your issues and may even provide answers to that

Profile picture for Now&amp;Me member @sabazius

Sabazius @sabazius

I saw a lot of people here. Drowned in pain. Even I am . But feel free to connect with me. I’ll talk with everyone!


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