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3am ThoughtsThought


I feel suffocated and sad because I think I don’t love him anymore. I did before. And now I don’t know how to tell him.

9 replies

Tell him the truth. And be honest. He’s going to understand it. Your human. And your not going to love a person forever it’s going to be alright.


I am afraid of making him cry, don’t know how I will bear that, I would totally want to save someone I care about from that part! I know it’s stupid and can’t continue but I also can’t seem to bring myself to do it


I understand you completely. But it’s best to be honest. He will understand. Trust me it will be fine. Say why you feel like this and explain it to him. If he is understanding and nice he will forgive you and maybe you can be friends.

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I don’t like some basic things about him, mentioning that would possibly put him down more.


True… But just tell him the truth about how you feel and it will be fine…


Yes, I have to. Too recent confrontations not with him but other family members have left me a bit afraid But now I have to this I guess. Issues are always so interconnected!

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I understand its hard even i am in the same boat only difference is that i still love her but thats not possible to continue as its complicated hence i have to move on but don’t know how what i am doing now is just ignoring or being busy avoiding and acting very busy this way the attachment is slowly reduced if you don’t wish to tell him don’t tell you can’t say how he might take it i would suggest keep being busy first call receive tell your busy with new project or an online workshop will call back once free he will call back after one or two hours now you have reason to avoid the calls as you already mentioned your busy later he only may ask are you avoiding me now if you have the courage tell him if not just tell him its just that your concentrating on your life more and you need time he may understand if he still keeps on trying to contact you have all the reasons to avoid his calls or meeting him when few days passes you may realize if it was a good decision or not if good you and him might have passed that stage and you both maybe free if not you can always get back … Time makes us realise everything thats my thoughts :) Good Luck this too shall pass…(your not lying here your actually telling the truth but in a different way ;) cause for some its very hard to take a rejection)


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