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I feel stupid. Starting talking to this guy online through a dating app and he seemed nice at first. Nothing weird like most men. We had some heart to heart conversation. Then suddenly after a long conversation he pulls a very demanding tone that I send him pictures and almost threatening me out of nowhere? It was really weird. I couldn’t tell what the hell happened but I got thrown off completely. I asked what was wrong with him and that he can’t be demanding anything. He just stopped replying afterwards. Way to throw my feeling out the door. Letting someone into my life just to be thrown right back out. I guess it’s better than actually meeting him and seeing how manipulative he was. I really wanted to believe that there was someone out there for me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who
19 replies

You got free from a bigger loss as soon as it was possible.
There are 7 other people you have prob with.
World is full of amazing people.

Rajat Verma @roney_23

I read it somewhere hope it helps “just because you had one bad accident doesn’t mean you won’t drive again same is with relationships one bad relationship doesn’t mean people are not worth your love”


This is so sweet, thank you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @true_who

Mayank @true_who

Hey listen anyone can’t ruin ur feelings. It’s upto u to control them. This time u got an experience. Just don’t forget it nd carry on what’s going on. Find another if need. Just be happy nd take care of urself becoz no one gonna come nd do it for u. They will just cheer up nd make u self confidence as what I’m doing


Have you seen a post here about a guy asking how he can manipulate his 2 yrs gf to get her body…never trust ANYONE blindly…I’m glad you didn’t send him anything or he’d have started asking for more different stuff…if you know what I mean


Wow that’s gross. How people can treat people like objects is beyond me. No thanks.


Ikr…how are you doing rn

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Wow this app is annoying to reply on lol. Anyway, I was trying to say that I’m doing ok. He got back to me and said it was only a joke. I know English is not his first language and it’s hard to convey a joke over a text, so maybe I did misinterpret the situation? Either way I’ll be careful just to make sure. Can never be too careful.


Lol no…he wasn’t joking…he said that cause you got pissed…where are you both from


You were right, he ended up being a total douche. I don’t even know what to believe anymore. It’s funny how I somehow blame myself for it like it was my fault.


Naah…it’s ok…how long had you known him…and where did you meet him


We met on some dating app, we only talked for about a week or so but he was just so sweet and different from the other usual creeps. I wanted to believe it was something more. But we never did meet in person, he was away on a business trip and kept saying we’d meet when he got back. We agreed to stay away from the dating app until he got back and see where things went but he got all weird, which is what this post was about, and I opened the app again thinking he was toying with me. When we supposedly talked and he said it was just a funny joke, a friend told him that I was back on the app and he got upset saying I was playing with him. But the weird thing is that, I also saw that his profile was active just a few hours ago and we’d had agreed to leave the app a few days ago? So how is he going to try to accuse me of anything if he’s probably flirting around with other girls? Then he texts me later on saying that he doesn’t want anything to do with me and he doesn’t care about me and that was the end of that conversation.


He’s a player… there were soooo many red flags all over the place…I’m glad he’s gone now… how’s your mental peace


Disturbed 😞😞 I feel like a dumbass for trying to believe the best in someone. He was telling me all these nice things, how he doesn’t sleep around and wants someone good to marry. Just normal things and how he wanted to take me to these romantic places together…. He wasn’t being creepy which is why I don’t understand what happened. I guess even the suppose good ones have their own dark side. I just been going through some extreme loneliness and I think it’s really preying on me.


I understand…I’m really sorry it happened tbh…but you’re not dumbass for believing in love …we’ve all been there ❤️…if you’d like to talk I’m here 😊


That’d be nice. What’s your ID?

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