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Long Distance RelationshipThought


I feel sooo sad and devastated….me and my boyfriend has been dating for past 6years…now our parents is asking us to get engaged /married….now my boyfriend is really confused and scared abt getting married …I donno what I should do …all I do is …I keep waiting for his yes or no …hez not even ready to tell that…he keeps asking me more time to think …it’s been more than 6months …what should I do?? Give him more time??

There’s soo much pressure from our families😣

2 replies

raaz patel @raazpatel

If he needs more time then what he was doing from last 6 years


Well, you need to assure him that it’s okay. Tell him that YOU can wait, but not the place of your husband. Your parents will want you to get married at some point, ask him, why not now?
The destination of a relationship is to get married at some point potentially. Ask him, why is it hard to take one more step ahead? What is that he is questioning? Is he scared that he might change his mind sometime? What is it that is bothering him? Even after getting married, everything will still be the same… Tell him that. What is going to change? Absolutely nothing, just like your love for each other won’t change.

Although this part might be hard, if he still doesn’t give you an answer, ask him if he has any intentions of leaving you? Better to clear it off now than getting hurt later.
I hope this helps!
Have a wonderful day! You are amazing!


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