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3am ThoughtsThought


I feel so worthless I fell in love with a guy in college it was one side For a long time and later he told me that even he fell in love but somehow whenever I am around him or call him he makes me feel like I am a loser and even though he makes me feel like that I can’t stop giving my hundred percent efforts and love

6 replies

Talk to him. If he still does it , you break up and move on.

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I don’t have the guts to do it I don’t know how I can survive after the break up


We all think that way before break up, trust me. Just do it if he treats you badly and dont think too much


Okay thank you


Dear Anonymous,

You would find 1000’s of people living in emotional, mental and physically abusive environment and with those people who Gaslight them.
Please break up with this guy and love and appreciate yourself. Honour yourself and you will find someone who would do these same things to you.
A relationship has to be positively contributive to both the people. Else there is no point of having a relationship.
Think about it, we want to be someone to feel good and happy not crappy about ourselves.
Take care and all the best.


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