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I feel so sad, this ex that I broke up with is still frds with me, but now I feel like he’s less and less friendly with me, he just wants his other friends, and he doesn’t even leave school with me anymore… I tried so hard to be able to sit with him at school, but even when I begged him, he still didn’t want to sit next to me. In another lesson when he did, when I talked to him, he ignored me. He says he still cares about me, but now I said I don’t want to care anymore and he says he doesn’t care too, cuz I’m always like this, annoyed about him.
But I just want to be very good friends with him again, but its not working, I’m tired, and I am now trying to distance myself away from him. I don’t even know I I still like him romantically, I just want to spend more time with him… Is this normal? Is that correct? I don’t know what to do anymore…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mayank00mg
2 replies

He wants to move on so he is creating distance I think what he’s doing is normal after every breakup

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mayank00mg

Mayank @mayank00mg

Hey :) , first of all don’t stress about it too much you are only in school and have your whole life ahead of you.

As for your ex , if he’s not interested in you anymore don’t waste your time on him. Confront him and clear the situation about you being friends or not. If he avoids the question or continues to drift away from you, let him. Focus on yourself and the people who are there for you, if he really cared about you he would not do this to you.

Don’t worry, a breakup is tough and it will take some time to heal. Focus on your hobbies and your studies as this school relation won’t matter in your future. Invest in people who are there for you.

Hope this helped :)


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