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I feel so sad and had no will to continue college just because i failed one of my major subject. I feel sorry to my mother who works so hard just to pay my tuition. I always cry every night because i feel I wasn’t enough. My father is expecting me to be a successful RMT so i can continue my studies in Med school. I don’t know what to do. I’m still on my first year in college but I already failed.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Try and work towards it. Clear the next ones. Use this as a stepping stone


We always learned from our rejection failure not from success .feel blessed you got this in early stage .now focus on others other exams otherwise they will get ruin also.
Best of luck.


Crying for past won’t change future, work hard and make your mother proud. All the best

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals

Ujjwal @ujjwals

That’s very good to fail early and learn how to pass after failure because everyone fails at some point of life and getting back is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Failure is an option - elon musk.


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