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I feel so lost and confused, I feel stagnant. Feel like I’m forgetting something very Important but don’t know what it is. A very weird feeling to have. I wanna an end to this lost feeling in me.

3 replies

Shashidhar @shashidhar117

With extensive use of social media and smart devices, we always feel something is missing and haunting us. Don’t panic. sit back and take book and pen, write down all the points which you usually used to do (usually do) you can sort out what is missing to make you happy. cheers


Thank you so much, I haven’t touched a pen in years I think. I should definitely try that and hope everything will work out just fine. I just feel I don’t have a purpose first thing in the morning and tht destroys me

Shashidhar @shashidhar117

Yes it will work it out for sure.
First thing in the morning you should think of hydrating self and meditation. Dont let your mind wander anywhere else.


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