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I feel so fragmented, it’s like there’s something missing deep inside of me. I don’t know how to feel ok anymore, the constant feeling of despair and helplessness. It’s just like this deep emptiness inside me. That just seems to keep growing. It’s something that sleep cannot cure, medication cannot dull, and love cannot replace. I do not know how to heal, I feel so lost and broken.

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In my opinion love can cure this thing,
I also feel what you feeling,
And I think this is a deposit of those things we want to talk about or share with someone so that we can feel ok
But didn’t tell anyone and thought that I am ok now.
But now its too much to handle…
I sometimes want to cry alot, but I can’t do that thing also…

Renata @renataismyname

I’ve felt similarly also. I used to say there was a monster inside of me that made me feel incomplete. I Cann’t imagine what you are feeling, but I can empathize. It can get better, and it most likely will. As you said, there is nothing to fill the void, it is all up to you. You have everything you need. Although it is a long process. It sucks for now. Accept that. But, don’t loose hope that it can and will likely get better.


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