Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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I feel so exhausted. I honestly have no idea what to do. I’m tired of this. Tired of constantly giving my all and returning the bare minimum in return. I’m tired of being sensitive, of crying till my eyes hurt and I can’t feel my face, tired of pretending that I am strong and that I can help everyone even though I Know that I’m mentally unwell and I don’t need anyone else’s negative emotions. Why’d I have to be an empath and a lover… Just WHY!?

1 reply

BiniBini @binibini


yo, you don’t need anybody

A partner is just an added luxury. Be happy in your own company. Love yourself. No like really. pamper yourself. Buy yourself the shirt you always wanted. Get yourself that chocolate dipped donut at the bakery you came across. Watch that movie your friend pleaded for you to watch


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